Fight Breast Cancer!

Millions of women suffer from breast cancer.

From the Canadian Breast Cancer Society, the lowest mortality rates for breast cancer are found in China and Japan, with rates of approximately 6% to 7%. By contrast, the mortality rate due to breast cancer tends to average around 20% to 25% in the developed nations of Europe and North America.

What could account for such a discrepancy?

There are many ways to cure breast cancer under the guidance of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which is widely practiced in both Japan and China.

After I have healed my own, I still have paid a great amount of attention to healing breast cancer aided to help other sufferers. I learned from many traditional Chinese medical doctors and accumulated many methods of healing breast cancer over the years.

If you are diagnosed with breast cancer, there’s no need to be panic because:

  • Over 93% is cured with the right methods in China and Japan.
  • The other 6% most likely have many other or complex health problems and are treated by Western medicine with chemotherapy and surgery, which destroys your body and causes more harm than good.

If you want to use Eastern ways of curing cancer, learn the techniques I have accumulated over the years, and do it at home by yourself every day, then book a session with me to find out how you and I can work together.

You may use these to manage your breast cancer:

  • Yoga, meditation, physical therapy, or chiropractic care.
  • Medications or surgery for relieving your symptoms.
  • Seeking encouragement from others who deal with breast cancer may offer motivation, empathy, and understanding.

But, You can’t truly get rid of your breast cancer without getting rid of associated underlying health problems.

About 85% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer (, which means it’s typically not inherited from parents. Western medicine doesn’t know the underlying problems.

Learn how to get rid of the problems creating breast cancer.

Remember, Suffering is not a must.

You may want to try chemotherapy or surgery on your chest. Even though the problem shows in your chest but most likely caused elsewhere in your body, blocking the circulation to your chest! Fix the underlying problems to get good circulation back to your chest, providing the resources for healing.

Beliefs determine your destination

Believe in curing, figure out the underlying causes of breast cancer, and learn the tools to get rid of associated problems.

If you need help to Figure out the underlying problems as well as solving them, have an energy healing and consultation session with me. I find your body’s problems through energy detecting and give you the tools and techniques for ridding your breast cancer.

I’m sending healing energy and best luck to you!!!