Extraordinary Healers: From Ancient Legends to Modern Miracles

In the annals of history and the fabric of modern times, tales of extraordinary healers have captivated imaginations and challenged conventional wisdom. These individuals, possessing gifts beyond the comprehension of contemporary science, have transcended the boundaries of traditional medicine to leave an indelible mark on the lives they touch. Let us journey through time and space to explore the stories of three legendary healers from the past and two modern-day marvels whose remarkable abilities defy explanation.

The Three Legendary Extraordinary Healers

1. Bian, Que (扁鹊, 401 BC – 310 BC):

Legendary Healer Bian Que

In the mists of ancient China, Bian Que stood as a beacon of hope amidst despair. His keen intuition and profound insight into the human condition allowed him to perform feats deemed impossible by his peers. Witnessing the miraculous revival of a seemingly deceased king, Bian Que’s reputation soared, earning him both adulation and envy. Yet, his untimely demise serves as a testament to the perils faced by those who challenge the status quo. 

Example: Bian Que’s incredible feat of reviving a king from the brink of death serves as a vivid illustration of his extraordinary healing powers. Upon passing by a country and witnessing the preparation for the king’s funeral, Bian Que sensed life where others saw only stillness. His intervention not only saved the king’s life but also elevated him to legendary status. Tragically, Bian Que’s life was cut short by the jealousy of a rival, who murdered him, underscoring the challenges faced by those who dare to defy convention.

2. Hua, Tuo (华佗, 145-208 AD):

Legendary Healer  Hua Tuo

A master of medicine and pioneer of surgical techniques, Hua Tuo’s legacy reverberates through the corridors of time. With a single glance, he could discern the hidden maladies afflicting his patients, offering remedies that defied conventional wisdom. However, his attempts to heal the ailing emperor met with tragic consequences, underscoring the inherent dangers faced by those who dare to tread the path of innovation.

Example: Hua Tuo’s remarkable ability to diagnose and treat ailments with precision is exemplified by his encounter with an emperor suffering from tumors. Despite the gravity of the situation, Hua Tuo proposed a solution involving acupuncture, drawing upon his deep understanding of the body’s meridians. However, his unconventional methods, perceived as threatening by the ruling elite, were met with suspicion and ultimately led to his demise, highlighting the perils faced by healers who challenge the established order.

3. Zhang, Zhong Jing (张仲景, 160 AD – 219 AD):

Legendary Healer Zhang Zhong Jing

Renowned for his unparalleled diagnostic abilities and profound understanding of herbal medicine, Zhang Zhong Jing remains a towering figure in the annals of Chinese medicine. His prescient diagnosis of a young palace attendant’s impending demise serves as a poignant reminder of the delicate balance between life and death, and the role of healers as guardians of human well-being.

Example: Zhang Zhong Jing’s remarkable foresight and diagnostic skills were showcased when he predicted the fate of a young palace attendant who appeared healthy but was harboring a deadly illness. Despite his warnings and recommendations for treatment, the young man met his tragic end, highlighting the challenges faced by healers in convincing patients of the urgency of their condition.

The Two Modern-Day Extraordinary Healers

In the modern era, two individuals continue to astound the world with their extraordinary healing powers:

1.    Li Shi Ping (李仕平): A modern-day prodigy whose innate talents defy conventional explanation, Ping’s ability to heal the terminally ill simply with only his fingers borders on the miraculous. Drawing upon ancient practices and intuitive wisdom, he has become a beacon of hope for those deemed beyond the reach of conventional medicine.

Extraordinary Healer Li Shi Ping
Extraordinary Healer - Julia Sun

2.    Julia H. Sun (孙鸿凤): A testament to the resilience of the human spirit, Julia’s journey from adversity to enlightenment serves as an inspiration to all. Harnessing her innate gifts of high sensitivity and energy manipulation, she has emerged as a formidable force for healing and transformation. Through her extraordinary mastery of universal energy for healing, she has breathed new life into the hearts and minds of those on the brink of despair. You may have read many of her healing stories:

Exceptional Healing Abilities from A Supernatural Being

My Energy Healing Saves Lives

The Power of My Energy Healing

The Powerful Energy Healing

To experience Julia’s extraordinary healing powers, either in person or remotely, book an appointment with her:

More Modern-Day Extraordinary Healers

But the realm of extraordinary healing extends far beyond these individuals. Consider the following examples:

·      Dr. Yen from Tianjin, China: Known for his ability to heal paralyzed patients in a matter of a few months, Dr. Yen’s methods challenge conventional medical wisdom and offer hope to those deemed beyond recovery.

·      Ms. Y: Despite having only elementary education, Ms. Y’s remarkable healing techniques, passed down through her dreams from her father, have transformed the lives of countless individuals.

·      Guo family from Jilin, China: Renowned for their ability to heal broken bones with qigong, this family’s mastery of ancient healing arts offers a glimpse into the potential of holistic medicine.

Our Health Is in Our Own Hands

In a world where belief shapes reality, the stories of these extraordinary healers serve as a powerful reminder that our health is in our own hands. Whether embracing the wisdom of ancient traditions or exploring the frontiers of modern science, the quest for healing is a deeply personal journey. And in the hands of those who dare to believe, miracles are not merely possible—they are inevitable. Let the miracles happen to you and your loved ones!

Exceptional Healing Abilities from A Supernatural Being

Many people wonder about my exceptional healing abilities, often likening them to those of a supernatural being. I hope this post sheds light on the explanation.

My Family Background

Generations of my family resided in the same village in Shandong province, China. We owned houses, farmland, and a family cemetery. The three-year Great Chinese Starvation from 1959 to 1961 brought devastation, claiming countless lives due to various factors:

  • A series of natural disasters, including two years of drought and a year of locust plague, devastated our crops.
  • Political tensions led to the diversion of stored food to repay debts owed to Russia.
  • Government initiatives promoting industrialization drove many farmers to abandon agriculture for urban opportunities.

Our farm suffered immensely, with crops decimated by droughts, diseases, and locusts. With winter approaching and food reserves depleted, my family made the difficult decision to relocate to Tianjin, where my grandmother had resettled. However, the move only prolonged our suffering, subjecting us to four years of starvation instead of the anticipated three.

My Background

Amidst the hardships, I was born—the youngest of five siblings. Fragile and undersized, a consequence of the Great Starvation, I cried incessantly, adding to my family’s burden. Despite her recent childbirth, my mother resumed farming duties just eight weeks after my birth, entrusting my care to a local daycare facility. Unfortunately, my time at the daycare was far from nurturing. The caregiver’s impatience and cruelty left me gasping for air, my life hanging in the balance. Only through the intervention of a compassionate bystander mother, who alerted my mother to the perilous situation, was I rescued from certain death. This transformative experience shaped my trajectory:

  • My grandmother recognized my potential for greatness as she observed my intelligent plays and interactions with other children.
  • Throughout elementary and secondary schools, teachers lauded my exceptional abilities.
  • I secured admission to the top high school in the city and later attended the leading telecommunications college in China.
  • My career path spanned academia, technology, finance, entrepreneurship, and ultimately led me to supernatural healing.

Exceptional Healing Abilities

My journey as a healer is rooted in a profound connection to energy—a force often overlooked in our modern world. Observing nature’s cues, such as rabbits eating fearlessly in my presence, I realized our innate ability to sense energy. One day, a rabbit munched and enjoyed the grass in my backyard but suddenly stopped eating, stayed completely still with no movement, holding its breath. Then it ran as fast as it could! A cat ran right after it, coming from the opposite direction. Even though neither one is in their visible position, the rabbit can sense the cat was coming and the cat sensed the rabbit there. Our human body can do the same – sense energy and its vibration. Our bodies can sense and absorb energy all the time for survival, even though we don’t use the ability much in the modern world.

Fish are surrounded by water and relying on water to survive but they don’t see water. Humans are surrounded by energy and relying on energy to survive but we don’t see the energy.

Just as fish navigate their underwater realm effortlessly, attuned to subtle currents, I’ve honed my capacity to perceive and manipulate energy for healing purposes. My gift of exceptional healing abilities extends beyond physical boundaries, enabling me to remotely access and empathize with others’ experiences, and even save lives. And now, I am saving the daughter from dying with another mother. This makes me think “two mothers save a daughter again, is it coincidence, or not?!” My near-death experience helps me to gain remote access and feelings of others. It must be the same feeling from the time I was waiting for the lady finding my mom and sensing my mom running back to save me.

In a world consumed by technological advancements, many have lost touch with this intrinsic power. Yet, energy permeates every aspect of our existence, sustaining us in ways we often overlook. Through my practice, which harnesses my exceptional healing abilities, I aim to reconnect individuals with this vital life force, guiding them toward holistic healing and well-being.

Life Energy Heals

Traditional medicines harness energy for healing, aligning with our bodies’ energetic composition. Yet, in our pursuit of health, we often overlook the importance of preserving and cultivating our vital life energy. Unlike conventional approaches that deplete our resources, Total Life Energy prioritizes sustaining and nurturing our innate energy for long-term health and vitality.


As you explore our healing system, Total Life Energy, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for its efficacy and significance. My dedication to helping others is rooted in both my exceptional healing abilities and my understanding of the interconnectedness of life and the transformative power of energy. In a world filled with uncertainty, let us embrace the wisdom of nature and tap into the boundless potential of energy for healing and renewal. Together, we can embark on a journey toward wholeness, guided by compassion, resilience, and the timeless wisdom of the ages.

I Took Her Back from Becoming A Ghost!

Everyone heard about ghosts. But have you seen one, or even seen a person on his/her way to becoming a ghost? This is a true story from a very experienced healer/medical qigong master!

It was May 30, 2023, the day after Memorial Day. A lady named Jemma left me a message and said she had a few questions about her daughter who had a car accident. 

We talked the next day and set up a time to meet on Friday, June 2 at their house.

There was a good amount of traffic with a few accidents on the way to their house during morning rush hours. But I managed to get there in about an hour and 20 minutes.

I saw Rose, the daughter. Her condition was much much worse than what I expected.

Continue reading “I Took Her Back from Becoming A Ghost!”

How Can Western Medicine Damage Our Health?

The more Western medicine you take, the worse your health, and the faster you age and die. Just as the French writer Molière (1622-1673) said, “Nearly all men die of their medicines, and not of their illness.”[i] Modern Western medicine damages our health is because both medical procedures and drugs can create problems in the body’s energy system.

Continue reading “How Can Western Medicine Damage Our Health?”

Reach Optimal Health through Self Health/Healing

My Free Workshop: Reach Optimal Health through Self Health/Healing

Workshop Description:

Discover why fatigue, pain, anxiety attack, autoimmune disorders and many more health problems are on the rise, and how to overcome these health challenges naturally in your daily activities without relying on others and commercial products. Learn how common solutions for illnesses may have damaged your body, as well as how to eliminate that risk of damage.

Julia Sun, an energy master, researcher, author and health coach specializes in detecting energy deficiencies and coaching in self-healing methods. She is the founder of the Total Life Energy Plan, a five-star selfcare healing system that helps people energize their bodies and reach optimal health through everyday actions and activities. Her research enabled her to recover from many illnesses deemed incurable, and return to the vibrant health that had eluded her for two decades. 


Sunday, November 13, 2022 10:30 am. 


Room Princess, Best Western Hotel, Marlborough MA 01752

Visit Our Booths 1221 and 1223 at the Expo:

We offer:

  • Health for Life” monthly membership programs
  • energy healing with diagnoses
  • health consultations
  • self healing tools

Can’t wait to see you in two weeks at my workshop and our booths!

Intoxication from Water Detox

Many health experts nowadays advise people to drink more water, such as eight 8-ounce glasses or even one gallon of water every day to detoxify the body with water constantly. Some people keep a bottle of water in their hand for drinking all the time or have a heavy drinking schedule such as the one shown here in the table.

Continue reading “Intoxication from Water Detox”

The Danger of Energy Healing and Meditations

Many people have seen or heard of energy healing, qigong, mindful meditations and how powerful they are to heal illnesses. More and more people in the U.S.A. practice or receive energy healing and there are more energy masters than ever. But unfortunately, many don’t realize that if these exercises are not practiced right, serious and dangerous effects can happen. After hearing and seeing people suffering from the negative side effects of energy healing on social media and in person, I feel that I’m obligated to write a post to inform people of the potential illness effects.

Continue reading “The Danger of Energy Healing and Meditations”

Why Have You Become a COVID-19 “Long Hauler”?

Covid-19 has affected all our lives, directly and indirectly. Almost, if not, all of us were infected by this virus. But different people have different reactions to the virus and infection:

  • Some people have obvious symptoms, while most people have no or minor symptoms.
  • For the people who have obvious symptoms, most of them have totally recovered and got back to normal health and normal life. It took them days or even months to recover. But others could not recover and have developed lingering symptoms or even many other illnesses such as chronic fatigue (ME/CFS), bodily pain (FM), digestive disorders, autoimmune disorder, or even bedridden. They become the so-called “long haulers”.

Why are all the differences and why do you keep suffering since infection? Many long haulers are puzzled by what happened to their bodies with these lingering symptoms. In this post, I am going to answer this question and solve this confounding mystery, so you know how to care for yourself or your loved ones to stop the suffering.

There are three major reasons why you become a long hauler:

Continue reading “Why Have You Become a COVID-19 “Long Hauler”?”

The only self-directed healing system designed for chronic fatigue and ME/CFS

After I healed my own illnesses including chronic fatigue, I developed a self-care and self-directed healing system for chronic fatigue as well as a complete wellness system.

If we want to live well in Nature, we first need to understand how Nature works. Our system is based on how the universe works and applies the basic principles of Nature and universal energy to our food, diet, exercise, and our body. 

My system is also based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM has been developed over thousands of years and is still going strong, especially with an effective cure rate for Covid-19 infection of over 90%, and of a 100% cure rate from a few famous TCM doctors in China. TCM also has a history of promoting self-care and self healing through food, exercise, habits, mindset, and lifestyle changes. 

Join me on my 12-day “Health Transformation Challenge in which I will share with you my complete system for ending chronic fatigue that you can implement in your everyday activities that will have you active, healthy, and enjoying life with your children, family, and friends.

Any questions, book a call with me at this link to be sure this challenge is right for you.

I look forward to your call and to helping you to energize your body and end your fatigue.

Julia “Health” Sun

P.S. Why not head over to my community of over 400 members who receive free teaching, training, and resources every day to heal their illnesses and transform their health and lives: Transform Health, Redefine Life

Weight loss programs make us gain even more weight in the long run

If you look at the numbers, Americans spend over $60 billion annually to try to lose pounds. It is great for the people selling weight loss products. The problem is this: “Is this money making us slimmer and healthier?” The answer is no.

As all of you know, right now, weight management is more important than ever as three-quarters of all Americans have weight problems. Being overweight is the single largest health problem in the USA, and it is the most obese nation on earth. Much of this epidemic is due to popular diets in the US that guarantee weight loss and permanent solutions. They simply do not work but make the problem worse.

Continue reading “Weight loss programs make us gain even more weight in the long run”