The Life Energy Diet (LED) is the only diet you need for an active and healthy life.
LED is also an essential part of the Total Life Energy Plan.
Different foods meet our body’s various energy requirements.
The Life Energy Diet ensures that our body is able to obtain enough energy and as many forms of energy as possible from foods.
Everyone is different, so our bodily needs are different.
The Life Energy Diet considers our unique bodily needs, strengthens the weakened body parts, harmonizes the whole body for an energetic, healthy, and long life.
Different social and living environments affect our body different.
The Life Energy Diet considers our living environments and life circumstances, strengthens the parts of our body that most affected by our surroundings, and harmonizes our body with our social and natural living conditions for optimal health.
“Without knowledge of proper diet, it is almost impossible to enjoy good health.”
No more searching and trying this diet or that diet.
The Life Energy Diet is based on and a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine that has lasted for over 5 thousand years, cured countless people, and is still going strong all over the world.
Our humans live in Nature, rely on Nature and natural resources to survive and live well.
The life Energy Diet is also based on how Nature works and applies the general principles of the universe to our food as well as our body.