It’s May 7, 2019. My friend and I fly to Amish Country in the heart of Pennsylvania to enjoy the scenery of the farmland and the rich history, before heading to Washington DC. area for a meeting.

Right before 5 pm, we arrive at the “Good and Plenty”, one of the famous restaurants with traditional Amish food. We enjoy the dinner there and then we head to a local hotel to stay for the night.
The hotel has many historical buildings with a beautiful garden. The hotel manager greets us in the front lobby, we have a complimentary glass of wine at their wine tasting event, and the lady at the front desk leads us to our room.
The hotel room is much bigger and better than we expected with a living room, kitchen, dining area with dining table, double-sink bathroom, and bedroom. The kitchen is near the front door while the bedroom is all the way inside, behind the living room, study area, and bathroom.
After settling down with our luggage, we relax on the comfortable sofa, check our emails and work on our computers.
With warm greetings from the hotel manager, a free glass of wine, and a good-sized suite, we feel really welcome and happy until we need to go to bed to sleep.
The minute I walk into the bedroom, I don’t feel right. It is not your typical bedroom that makes you feel relaxed. I close doors and curtains, rearrange some of the stuff, including the mirrors, check the desk with bookshelves that is right outside the bedroom and is visible from our bed. But I still don’t feel right.
No, I don’t think that I could stay there any longer and I need to leave, leave right away!
But how could I tell this to my friend who is so sleepy and in bed after we spend money for the hotel?!
How about I go back to the living room and sleep in sofa? There is no extra blanket to keep me warm and my friend would be alone in the bedroom if anything happens.
It is late. Even though I’m tired and need rest, I can’t and I don’t want to fall asleep! But I fall asleep and have a dream that I never had before…
In the exact same bedroom with the same settings, there is a great force trying to get into the room and trying to approach the bed, and us. I use my all strength to push it out! It keeps coming back and I keep using my energy to push it out. After struggling with the force a few times, ooh no, I couldn’t push it out of the room anymore. A ghost flies into the room toward us. I scream as hard and loud as I could!
I wake up. I also wake up my friend and scare the ghost away from us. I’m too scared and too focused on screaming that I can’t remember much about the ghost but a white-colored body with triangle shaped arms and legs.
The clock says 11:30 pm. I don’t think I should go back to sleep until it is bright out. But the tiredness makes me drowsy and I am in the state of half-asleep until right after 3:00 am. Somehow, I am confident that the force wouldn’t come back in the early morning and I fall into a deep sleep until after 7 am.
My draft shows the picture of the ghost in my dream.

I have stayed and slept at close to one hundred places, from tents in camping places, to relative and friend houses and condos, rooms and houses for rent, motels, hotels, and resorts, in many different areas and countries. This is the first time I have experienced a terrifying ghost!
After I’m back home, I tell the story to both of my sons. They check online and find that there are quite a few people experienced ghosts while they visited the Amish country and it is one of the most frequent ghost-appearing places.
It brings back my memory from I was little. I saw a green monster walking across the alley one dark night when I was about 8 years old. But I would never think that I could have another experience with ghosts and monsters and alike.
Does anybody, especially energy healers, qigong masters, or any other energy cultivators out there, have a similar experience as I do? I would love to hear from you!
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