Can Juicing Be Bad for You?

Without much thinking, many followers of modern dietary and health programs start drinking raw fruit and vegetable juice to detoxify their body and/or beautify her face. It seems that they squeeze all kinds of raw fruits and vegetables. Many of them have a commercial juicer at home. But this kinds of juicing can be bad for you!

The result, not only are their bodies not detoxed by drinking raw juice every day, but they have many health problems. Not only the acne on their face is not eliminated, but more acne shows up. Worse, these new ones have dull color, creating acne scars. Even if the acne disappeared, the dull color marks or scars stay.

Raw fruit and vegetables are typically cold or cooling foods in Traditional Chinese Medicine. They take away the energy from the body, first from the stomach and digestive system before reaching other parts of the body such as the kidneys. These people may suffer from stomach pain and indigestion. The longer they are on these kinds of detox, the less energy the body has, the more body parts affected, and the more severe their ill health.

It doesn’t matter if your doctors can diagnose you with any illnesses with their machines. You may also just have diarrhea from unabsorbed liquidized food and feel dizzy and fatigued. The worst case I know is that a lady’s digestive system was severely damaged and couldn’t even digest rice, the easiest to digest food. Her body couldn’t absorb much nourishment to make blood, leading to severe blood deficiency and weight loss.

Those diet or cleansing methods may make you feel better with less or no more symptoms because your body does not have the strength to fight illnesses with symptoms anymore. Those energy as well as toxin and weight draining juice may detox your body at the beginning, but your body will lose the strength for its normal functions including detox itself in the long term.

Stop torturing your body with those energy depleting juice and foods, especially if you live in a climate area. The cold weather already draws energy away from your body. Also, modern life has already been making the majority of people lacking a yang-rich (active) body or even fatigued most of the time. You do not need energy draining food and drink anymore.

Drink ginger water or soup/porridge made with ginger in the morning

Ginger can warm up the stomach, quickly ease its pain, and help with rebuild the digestive system. Have a few slices of ginger every morning if you have consumed raw juice or other cold food and drink. Rebuild your digestive system and other affected organs and parts with the Total Life Energy Plan through everyday activities and actions.

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