Intoxication from Water Detox

toxified by drinking water

Many health experts nowadays advise people to drink more water, such as eight 8-ounce glasses or even one gallon of water every day to detoxify the body with water constantly. Some people keep a bottle of water in their hand for drinking all the time or have a heavy drinking schedule such as the one shown here in the table.

Daily Drinking ScheduleFive 25-oz bottles (About one gallon in total)
7:30 am to 10:30 amDrink bottle 1
10:30 am to 1:30 pmDrink bottle 2
1:30 pm to 4:30 pmDrink bottle 3
4:30 pm to 7:30 pmDrink bottle 4
7:30 pm to 10:30 pmDrink bottle 5
One of the water detox

A lady was surprised when being advised to drink less water and have no more than eight glasses of water a day. She had a swollen face, baggy eyes, and swelling lower body below her waist. She had edema caused by yang deficiencies in her Spleen and Kidneys. Her Spleen’s and Stomach’s ability to transform and transport food is weakened, and her Kidney’s energy transforming function is weakened, which leads to the ineffectiveness of liquid circulation in her body. This damp moisture stays in the body, causing swelling.

Instead of drinking more water, she should consume less cold food and drink, including drinking less water, and no more eight glasses of water a day as recommended by modern fad. Her disease was caused by drinking too much water, which makes her body, especially her Kidneys and Spleen, overloaded with liquid and extra work! Do you listen to these modern “experts” or do you listen to your body? Your body has already been telling you that it cannot process that much water that the water already accumulates in it, but you still drink it with all you might. How could you not get sick?

Water is heavy and needs the active yang energy to be transported in our body. Drinking that much water will not expel toxins but poison the body with too much liquid! Unfortunately, many people get into this trap. A lady at the Natural Living Expo told me that a few other health experts at the same expo advised her to drink more (over 8 glasses of water) while she had a damp body, showing in her bumpy facial skin. She was shocked when I asked her why she should drink that much water while she already knew she had a very damp body?! We need water to survive, and the body is built to store over 60% of water in it. But water is yin and takes a great amount of (yang) energy to process. We should never drink too much. You drink the right amount when you are not thirsty and your urine is not too dark or too light a yellow. My book The Total Life Energy Plan covers the details about the right way of drinking water, the right amount of water, urine colors, and related health and illnesses.

If you are one of the people drink too much water, especially already have swelling body or edema, you should quit the bad habits of drinking too much water and may need to take the Chinese herbal formula called Fuzi Lizhong, which is the best medicine for edema caused by yang deficiencies in the Spleen and Kidneys. Also, rice, lamb, chicken, and cinnamon are the foods for nourishing Spleen and Kidney yang.

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