Are you fighting illnesses? – What is wrong with it?

Many people treat their illnesses as enemies following the ideology of modern Western medicine. They use medications to fight with their illnesses to try to conquer and win battles with illnesses for better health. But have you thought that the gallbladder with gallstones is still our organ and an important part of our body? If we treat our cells, tissues, and organs as our enemies, we ultimately harm our bodies and ourselves. Surgerily removing of the gallbladder may cause many many more health problems down the road.

There is no enemy in this world. It is just that we treat others as enemies.

When we have enemies, our body and mind carry and suffer heavily. For example, our negative thoughts and emotions associated with the concept of the enemy constantly attack our organs and our body.

Illness is the signal that our body gives us. It tells us that something is wrong inside our body and it is working on its problems. It also tells us that something we have done to it causes the problems and we need to make changes for better health. Therefore, illnesses allow us to learn, grow, and mature. It is an essential and a must-have life lesson for good health and a happy life.

The body takes in everything until it could not take any more abuse and uses illnesses to warn us. Take care of your illnesses and treat your body with respect. Learn how to communicate with it. Show your appreciation to your body for withstanding all your abuse with no complaints. Feel apologetic for your ignorance and neglect of its signals.

Tell your body: I am sorry for what I have done to you. Please forgive me. Thank you for informing me with the signals. I love you and will take the best care of you!

When our body shows signs and symptoms, we first need to ask ourselves and think about what we have done that have hurt the body. Then take action to change what we did to stop the harmful effects and rebuild a healthy body. TLEP helps you figure out the causes of your illnesses so you can act accordingly.

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