Why are Americans more vulnerable to COVID-19? – The top 5 reasons

There are more and more Americans infected by COVID-19. This month (July 2020) alone, U.S. confirmed coronavirus cases jumped by nearly two million and the death toll increased nearly 25,000. There are many reasons why Americans are more vulnerable to corona and many other viruses and bacteria than the people from many other countries:

  1. Use medications, especially antibiotics, to fight with pathogens when they are affected. When they catch a flu, they grab a flu medication to release themselves from flu symptoms. When they have a fever, they grab a fever medication to suppress the fever. When they have a Lyme disease, they take antibiotics to kill the Lyme bacteria as well as their own body cells. There are many and different kinds of viruses produced every year. If no antiviral medication is available to effectively kill the current viruses, their bodies are easily affected by the viruses and become sick or even die.
  2. Use chemicals to clean everything including but not limited to teeth, hair, skin, clothes, food, kitchenware, house, and yard, as well as using chemical medications. They use chemicals to kill pathogens and do not give their bodies much chance to build their immune systems for combating viruses. Their bodies are vulnerable to all pethogens and easily get sick from a lack of immunity.
  3. The food eaten does not contain the nourishment it used to have, but more non-food and chemical ingredients. These ingredients or food products waste more resources of the body to process and expel them out of the body, leading to long-term harmful effects on the body.
  4. Follow modern health advice, which always leads people to different directions and mostly does more harm than good. Modern nutritional diets do not provide the total nourishment the body needs. Modern exercise stresses the body and wastes more resources the body has, leading to the early depletion of its resources and a shortened life.
  5. Modern lifestyles tire the body and make it have no available resource to build its immune system. Besides the food, exercise, and chemicals stressing their body, they also stress it with overwork, irregular daily schedules, and bad habits. When the body is tired, it needs to regenerate to perform its basic functions. If the body is affected by viruses when it is tired, it is not in its peak state of functioning and may not be able to fight with the pathogen.

Because of their low immune systems, Americans are much more vulnerable to viruses. Because of the extensive use of chemical medications, they typically suffer from many side effects after medical treatments, such as chronic fatigue, autoimmune diseases, and weight problems. They believe that vaccination can solve their immune problems and so put great effect and emphasis on vaccination.

On the other side, most Easterners, especially Eastern Asians, follow their traditional food, diet, exercise, medical advice, and habits. They are much less vulnerable to viruses including CODID-19. To prevent or combat the affections of the virus, they typically use food, herbs, and exercise to strengthen their bodies so that they are strong enough to fight with viruses in case they get infected. A few famous Traditional Chinese doctors have a record of 100% cure rate for their COVID-19 patients. Not only these doctors are not affected by the virus that is transferred to them from their patients, but also their patients get no side effects from herbal treatments and changes in food, exercise, and habit as recommended by these doctors.

Most, if not all, of the people who died from COVID-19 had health issues. According to statistics, in the US, about 80% of the people who died from COVID-19 have previous health issues and in China, almost all the people who died have previous health issues. (Obviously, some people in the US had health issues undiagnosed or undiagnosable by Western medicine.)

Protecting yourself from getting COVID-19 is important. Strengthening your body is even more important for both the short- and long-term health. Pay special attention to your daily food, diet, exercise, habits, and mindset to strengthen your body, prevent getting ill, and safely get through the pandemic.

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