Springtime: Dressing Appropriately is Key to Healthy and Happy Year

Spring Season

In spring, the residual cold air and incoming hot air causes whiplash weather and frequent changes between cold and warm. If not protected, the body is easily susceptible to getting sick from the frequent weather changes. Spring is a season of many diseases and health conditions, such as cold and flu, indigestion, glaucoma, high blood pressure, strokes, heart attack, and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.  Dress appropriately to help prevent these diseases and conditions from occurring and to begin the year with a healthy start.

To keep the body warm in the springtime, do not remove layered clothes too prematurely.

Many diseases occur in the springtime when the temperature drops for days after warm weather. When cold penetrates the body, it disrupts and slows down normal circulation and potentially impairing body’s regular functions.  It is crucial to keep your body warm, especially when the temperature drops below 60°F. Dress warmly in layers when going outside until the temperature reaches 60°F for 7 consecutive days. Keep these particular areas of the body especially warm:

  • Wrist

There are important meridian points on your wrists that help maintain a healthy heart and blood circulation. Yet, your wrist is one of the places that is most easily exposed to cold air on your body.

  • Lumbar and the kidney area

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, weakened kidneys can cause the entire body to become ill with many symptoms, such as lower back pain, feeling excessively cold or hot, frequent urinations, irritability, or chronic fatigue.  Keep the kidneys warm for them to function well.

  • Lower legs

When the elderly expose their legs to cold air, they are prone to a migraines, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and sore eyes. These symptoms are signs of liver weakness and imply that the liver meridian traveling from the head to the toes via the outside of the legs is being disrupted, in this case by exposure to cold air. Wearing pants help keep the legs warm to ensure proper circulation. If shorts or capri are worn too early in the season, the lower legs are easily exposed to cold weather and these symptoms may occur.

  • Navel

The navel is also an important meridian point on our body. When the navel is warm, it helps the body with many of its regular functions, such as food digestion. It is very important to keep the area warm, especially those people with digestive issues, who are more prone to diarrhea, and who have sex organ problems.

  • Neck

The neck is the bottle-neck of circulation from the rest of the body to the head and brain. Protect the neck from cold and windy weather for proper circulation to the head and brain, and this may prevent strokes caused by exposure to cold and windy weather.

Keep the entire body warm, especially the areas listed above. Besides dressing warm, practice qigong exercises and massage related meridian points of the areas listed above. This will help your body become more immune to diseases in the year to come.

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