Does Nutritional Supplement Really Nourish Us?

In the previous two posts, we discussed how Western medicine and medicinal herbs can harm our body. Without care, nutritional supplement can have the same harmful effects.

Artificial supplements are not food but more like Western drugs. Supplements made from foods are concentrated food. They should be treated as medicinal herbs because of their strong effects. We cannot process concentrated food supplements in the same way as we do natural foods. We cannot take them for long periods without side effects.

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The Powerful Energy Healing

We all know that the entire universe and everything in it, including the human body, is made of energy. How can we make great use of this vast amount of energy for exceptional health? Experience the powerful energy healing!

Energy Heals

Our body is a marvelous energy system with rhythmic and coordinating vibrations and movements. It needs life energy, the energy for life, to keep active and live well. All traditional medicines, except modern Western Medicine, cultivate this life energy for healing by utilizing the energy round us.

Think about the cellular network. People all over the world can talk on cellphones, which transfer a great number of signals throughout the air. Instead of transferring cellular kind of energy, healers transfer healing (life) energy through the air, both near and far on earth. 

The Power of Energy Healing

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3 Major Reasons Why Doctors Can’t Cure Your Illness

There are 3 major reasons why doctors can’t cure:

1. Medicines may not work for your illnesses so doctors can’t cure you.

Western medicine: As many of you already know that this modern medicine is created by a businessman in recent history and tries to use chemical drugs and harmful operations for treating illnesses. But the drugs are aliens to our body and too easy to poison our body, causing long term health problems. Operations and surgeries typically create scars that block good circulation, leading to more illnesses. This medicine and its doctors can’t cure most of the illnesses.

Traditional medicines: they are created by doctors and patients and have healed countless patients. But they are less effective nowadays than it did in history. For example, medicinal herbs were used to grow naturally in the wild where they absorbed much more natural energy and had much less pollution than the herbs grown on a farm nowadays. Medicinal herbs are not classified as food because they have strong effects on the body and/or easily poison our body without proper use. This is why you need to select a traditional doctor with decades of experience and/or secrete herbal formulas. Therefore, the typical inexperienced traditional doctors can’t cure you.

No matter what kind of medicine, they are famous for using these strong ingredients to stir up the body into taking actions for healing illnesses. If your body is strong enough to heal and recover from the treatments, you can get back to health. But if your body is not strong enough to resist and clean up the wastes and poisonous ingredients, you cannot be healed or can be in a worse condition than before. This is why more people die from medicines than illnesses. It was up to 90% of people die from traditional medicine in Chinese history and don’t mention the modern medicine. This is also why traditional Chinese doctors typically use acupuncture, cupping, massage, and many other treatments that work on the outside the body and use herbal formula as the last resort of healing after all other methods could not heal.

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Overweight Can NOT be the Real Cause of Your Knee Problems

Western Medicine and media make you think your weight can cause your knee problems because the extra weight puts too much pressure on your knees. This may sound reasonable but is just another simple minded and straight forward thinking on health problems. Both overweight and knee pain/swelling are just the symptoms of underlying health problems and may NOT always be the direct and original causes. If you have both overweight and knee symptoms, you need to figure out what causes these symptoms.

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Reach Optimal Health through Self Health/Healing

My Free Workshop: Reach Optimal Health through Self Health/Healing

Workshop Description:

Discover why fatigue, pain, anxiety attack, autoimmune disorders and many more health problems are on the rise, and how to overcome these health challenges naturally in your daily activities without relying on others and commercial products. Learn how common solutions for illnesses may have damaged your body, as well as how to eliminate that risk of damage.

Julia Sun, an energy master, researcher, author and health coach specializes in detecting energy deficiencies and coaching in self-healing methods. She is the founder of the Total Life Energy Plan, a five-star selfcare healing system that helps people energize their bodies and reach optimal health through everyday actions and activities. Her research enabled her to recover from many illnesses deemed incurable, and return to the vibrant health that had eluded her for two decades. 


Sunday, November 13, 2022 10:30 am. 


Room Princess, Best Western Hotel, Marlborough MA 01752

Visit Our Booths 1221 and 1223 at the Expo:

We offer:

  • Health for Life” monthly membership programs
  • energy healing with diagnoses
  • health consultations
  • self healing tools

Can’t wait to see you in two weeks at my workshop and our booths!

Why Are You Still Suffering from Knee Pain

You may have tried many knee treatments, medications, and therapies, but are still suffering from knee pain. They may relieve your pain, swelling, snapping or other symptoms, but typically hide your problems or even damage the knee, causing more problems or so-called side effects. Let’s take a closer look at those diagnoses and treatments before we conclude why they do not work but make you keep suffering from knee pain. 

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Knee Pain: special attention needed!

Current Situations with Knee Pain

Do you have knee pain? If you do, you are not alone. Knee pain is one of the most common complaints of Americans of all ages. In the United States, knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults, and its prevalence has increased almost 65% over the past 20 years, accounting for nearly 4 million primary care visits annually*. In China, about 120 million Chinese suffer from knee pain.

Different knee symptoms typically appear after we turn 40 years old. But now more and more young people suffer from it because of sport and physical injuries as well as degenerating humans and their non optimal health.

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Why are you so ill?

This is sad a few weeks for me:

  • The husband of a close friend passed away.
  • The husband of a lady in our healing group passed away. 

Both died at a young age: 61 and 58 respectively. The first one died of cancer while the other from heart attack.

After numerous accounts of people near me passing away or suddenly falling ill, I feel that I’m obligated to write a post to warn people to care for their health now and in the right way to prevent this from happening to them.

The people from western countries used to have the reputation of strong and healthy bodies in the world. But now things are totally changed: the majority of them, especially those from the US and UK, are overweight, fatigued, ill, or even bedridden. What’s going on? It’s much more than just about the diet, exercise, and mental health.  They:

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What You Learn from the Pandemic Can Determine Your Future Health

The current pandemic affects lives, both human and other animals, all over the world. It shocks the planet with millions of people dying from it, especially in developed countries like the USA. The pandemic is still going. What you learn from it can determine your future health and affect the rest of your life.

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Marijuana: Should We Use It?

Should we use marijuana as medicine or for recreation? What is the effect of marijuana on our body? What is the truth about the dangers of marijuana?

Marijuana Use: the History and Today
Is Marijuana Just Like Alcohol and Tobacco?
How Poisonous Is Marijuana?
Is Marijuana an Herbal Medicine?

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