This June marks the 30th year of Tiananmen Square Massacre along with the 30th years of my life in the USA. At this special time, it brings back many memories, from the risk that I took to get a visa to come to the US from China, to the exciting moment when I landed in this most advanced country in the world, and then to the time that I realize that there are both pros and cons for each country that I have lived in. This special time of my life also makes me ponder.
As a person who has lived in both Eastern and Western countries for a few decades, have many memories:
- The peaceful family, wonderful childhood, close and loving relationships with my family, endless support from my parents, brothers, and sisters.
- The deadliest earthquake of the twentieth century that killed up to three quarter million citizens and another one that almost rolled me out of bed in a high rise-hotel building.
- The life-threatening moment at gunpoint on my trip to pick up my visa at the US embassy in Beijing.
- The shocking and life-threatening marriage that full of turmoil.
- The state of nearly being homeless after my failed marriage, coupled with losing my job and being unable to pay for my rent.
- The struggling with my deteriorating health along with raising two young boys on my own.
- The extensive research for health and the cure of all my diseases.
- Sharing my health knowledge that I have gained in healing myself with the public by creating a business.
With all these life adventures and experiences, I could present in a series of books or movies.
I believe that all my past experiences are my learning experience for becoming “the me” today, a person who can share her extraordinary experience to help others deal with their rough, uneasy life experiences and enjoy more of their life. I believe that I carry the mission in my life of helping others who suffer from their health problems, which are mainly and mostly caused by unpleasant life experiences. Therefore, I would concentrate on health and wellness related issues in this post to create health awareness in the public, especially in the US.
There are many opposite beliefs and conditions of healthy living in two different cultures. Modern beliefs in health in America, as well as many Western countries, are so wrong and contradict with Eastern or their own traditional beliefs. For writing this post, I create a list of twenty wrong beliefs:
- Eat according to food nutrition to be healthy. Just from this one narrow point of view, many wrong conclusions created, such as
- Eating more fruits and vegetables to get nutrition and eat them raw to get the most nutrition from them.
- No need to eat much meat. We are able to get the most, if not all, of the nutrition in meat from a vegetarian diet.
- The media and the public typically list the foods that are good for a general health problem, such as for obesity or heart diseases, even though the same health problem may occur under different or even opposite body conditions.
- We scorn many traditional healthy meals, such as bacon and eggs for breakfast, and eat according to modern dietary beliefs that never last.
- If we don’t pay attention to what we eat, our body can be contaminated easily by commercial food. But the more we pay attention to our health and follow the guidelines from our health specialists, the worse our health will become. We typically don’t know about this fact for our entire lives or don’t know until our doctors diagnose us with a serious disease.
- Commercial foods, including meat, vegetables, and fruits, typically taste very plain or have no taste at all. Necessitating the need for more spice may easily create a body imbalance and lead to health problems.
- Blame a certain criterion, such as cholesterol or calories, on the cause of heart attack, overweight, or other health problems. So low cholesterol, low calories, and gluten-free versions of foods created that are typically much more unhealthy than natural and less-processed food. Of course, because of the belief in cholesterol and unsaturated fat causing heart attack, egg white is better for the body than egg yolk and white meat is better than red meat.
- Exercise hard and enjoy sports, such as jogging on the street and working out in a gym. We do that because we think that is good for our health. We exercise so hard that we are totally sweaty, some of us even need to drag our exhausted legs and arms to keep moving.
- It is a total chemical country. We use chemicals everywhere, from outside houses to inside, from bathrooms to kitchens, from outside our bodies on our skin to inside our bodies in the food we consumed. But this is not surprising at all, because we even believe the drugs and medicines that made from chemicals can cure our illnesses.
- Even though we know that the whole health care system and society are controlled by commercials including big corporations and the media, we are totally influenced by commercials in our daily life. We may eat mostly, or even all, commercial food products, such as packaged food and chemical fertilized fresh produce.
- More and more of us have health issues, diseases, and cancers. For weight problems alone, about three quarters of citizens are overweight or underweight. Many have mental health problems or are homeless. You see this in public places in big cities.
- There are fewer family ties. Emphasize more on individual needs than family and others’ needs. Fight more often among family members than working together fighting against the outside world. About half of our marriages are broken up. And always hear the talk about family members not in contact with each other. For their own benefits, people sue each other often, even their children or other family members. I believe that Americans have the most lawsuits in the world.
- Believe more in modern science that lasts less than 100 years, keeps changing its opinions on healthy foods, nutrition, and exercise, and their research is mostly controlled by large corporations.
- Believe that germs, bacteria, and viruses are the major cause of diseases. Therefore, we protect our body as much as possible from these causes, such as washing our hands, body, and even food, with chemicals. We use antibiotics, as well as many other chemicals, on our body and on our food.
- Many of us believe that our doctors or medicines take care of our health problems simply because our sickness symptoms are gone after taking medications. We don’t realize that Western medicine typically just releases our symptoms and does not cure our diseases. The more we believe in our doctors and step in hospitals, the worse our health becomes and the earlier we die. The French writer, Molière(1622-1673), told us that “Nearly all men die of their medicines, and not of their illness.” But it seems that nobody hears his words. Even though Traditional Chinese Medicine works, it never works for all because what we do everyday determines our health and illnesses.
- We totally rely on doctors for our health problems. We believe in doctors so much that even though doctors don’t know the cause of our problems or further, even when our doctors already told us there is no cure or not much chance to cure, we still follow the doctors’ guidelines and advice than using other ways for a full return to health.
- Our healthcare system is so left behind than that of many Eastern countries. It is unable to cure the majority of health problems and makes us think that there’s no cure for many diseases and cancers.
- For all the people that I had a change to ask if they had any surgery or operation on their bodies, every single one of them had an operation(s), range from one to fourteen. They don’t realize that surgeries and operations have long-term harmful effects on their bodies, lead to many illnesses in the future.
- Keep damaging our body in our daily activities without knowing it. For example, “the food that is good for one man may be poisonous for the other.” We never figure out the foods that are good for our own bodies and keep eating the wrong foods or the “good” foods recommended by the media or health specialists.
- Enjoy life now while we can and are expecting being diagnosed with an uncurable disease someday. We do not listen to our body’s signals and do not take care of our health issues until our problems are much worse and then wait to die.
- More killing and life casualties, a condition carried from history, from the pressure of the modern stressful life, and from the lack of social connections that are able to help people open their mind, think broad, and be considerate. Because of all these and others, you don’t want to irritate anyone and you try to look kind to strangers. If people do not have close relationships with you, they would not warn you about what you are doing can harm you and cause long-term health problems.
It’s my hope that this post creates the awareness in the US public about their health, health beliefs, and healthcare system. Feel free to comment and contact me.
For more information about the author, Julia H. Sun, check it out here on JuliaSun.com
For more free health information, check out Julia’s posts on JuliaSun.com
For the health program that Julia created, check out the Total Life Energy Plan on www.TLEP.life or www.TotalLifeEnergyPlan.com