Ending chronic fatigue is much easier than you think if…

We all hear from our doctors that there is no effective way to cure chronic fatigue, especially CFS. Many people, including many doctors, believe this to be true, and seek simple relief from fatigue symptoms. They try many methods provided by doctors or that they find online, but they are still fatigued. Some people thought they had cured their fatigue, only to find out that they only had been masking fatigue symptoms, and even worse, ended up developing other health problems such as arthritis and/or heart disease.

If you change your perceptions and beliefs about modern science and contemporary medicine and open your mind to traditional medicine, you will find a cure!

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How I Cured My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

The journey to curing chronic fatigue syndrome as well as many other illnesses is not easy at all.

I researched all over the places, and on books alone, read over one thousand. By practicing the research results on my own, my health was improving day by day. I had more energy, my headaches, bodily pain, allergies, cervical tumor, breast cancer, and many illnesses were all getting better.

While I was still working on my health problems, I got Lyme disease from a tick bite, as well as autoimmune disorders. The disease, as well as taking antibiotics and other medications for four weeks as prescribed by doctors, worsened my fatigue and weakened my body. Brain fog and weak legs made it hard for me to drive a car, or even walk unassisted!

It seemed that I needed to start all over again to rebuild my strength and my health.

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Solutions to Autoimmune Diseases

Do you have an autoimmune disorder such as celiac, Crohn’s, diabetes, lupus, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis?

Have you been to doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, lost so much time and may still are without a diagnosis?

Have doctors stopped taking you seriously, or even suggested psychiatric diagnose to explain away your symptoms of pain, fatigue, and malaise?

You may have undergone testing for food sensitivities and done food eliminations. You may have been asked to eat more nutritious foods, keep hormones and blood sugar in balance, or improve your gut health.

You tried many related treatments and solutions. Some of them may ease your symptoms, even provide quick relief – for a while. But later, you find out that you are not any better off but both fatigued and sicker!

Even though many of your doctors, autoimmune specialists, nutritionists, or health coaches claim to know the root cause of your fatigue, want to give you just one more test, or a new miracle treatment, but none of them has a permanent solution to your health problems.

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The Shocking Facts of American Health and Health Beliefs

Wrong Beliefs on Health

This June marks the 30th year of Tiananmen Square Massacre along with the 30th years of my life in the USA. At this special time, it brings back many memories, from the risk that I took to get a visa to come to the US from China, to the exciting moment when I landed in this most advanced country in the world, and then to the time that I realize that there are both pros and cons for each country that I have lived in. This special time of my life also makes me ponder.

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How to Overcome Chronic Fatigue

Eliminate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)

In the previous posts, I discussed

  • Current situations with chronic fatigue (syndrome).
  • How you know if you have chronic fatigue.
  • The worsening conditions of chronic fatigue.
  • The causes of chronic fatigue.
  • If there is a cure for chronic fatigue.

In this post, I discuss how to overcome chronic fatigue.

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Do You Rely on Caffeine to Keep Going Every Day?

How Caffeine Can Drain Your Life! 

More and more people rely on caffeine. About 85% of Americans lack energy and have caffeinated beverages every day to make it through the day.[i]

caffeine and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME)
Caffeine and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)

Caffeine is a chemical found in coffee, tea, cola, guarana, mate, and many products. Caffeine acts as a central nervous system stimulant. When it reaches your brain, the most noticeable effect is alertness. You feel more awake and less tired, so it is most commonly used as a stimulant to increase alertness or manage drowsiness. Caffeine is also used for temporarily releasing migraine and other headaches. It is a common ingredient in medications to treat headaches and migraines. Caffeine is a diuretic, or  a “water pill”, which increases urine flow. But it may no longer have this effect on people who use caffeine regularly.

The Damaging Effect of Caffeine on the Body

Not only does caffeine ease fatigue, drowsiness, and headache symptoms for the short term, but it may cause long term health problems.

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What Do You Eat During the Coldest Time of the Year?

Winter Foods?

There are many traditional Chinese holidays related to what foods you should eat at various times of the year. Laba(Làbā, 腊八) is one of them.

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