The Powerful Energy Healing

We all know that the entire universe and everything in it, including the human body, is made of energy. How can we make great use of this vast amount of energy for exceptional health? Experience the powerful energy healing!

Energy Heals

Our body is a marvelous energy system with rhythmic and coordinating vibrations and movements. It needs life energy, the energy for life, to keep active and live well. All traditional medicines, except modern Western Medicine, cultivate this life energy for healing by utilizing the energy round us.

Think about the cellular network. People all over the world can talk on cellphones, which transfer a great number of signals throughout the air. Instead of transferring cellular kind of energy, healers transfer healing (life) energy through the air, both near and far on earth. 

The Power of Energy Healing

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Visit Us at Natural Living Expo

Booth 1207

Our Workshop:

Enjoy A Vibrant Life Until The Last Moment

Sunday, November 14, 2021 3:30 pm, Salon E

Learn how to eliminate Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS), pain, and many other health problems naturally in your daily activities without any commercial products. Explore how famous centenarians in history enjoyed a vibrant and illness-free life until their last moment. Discover how common solutions for fatigue may have failed you, and damaged your body leading to long-term exhaustion and illnesses. Learn how to eliminate the risk of damage.

Julia Sun, an energy (qigong) master, researcher, author and health coach specializes in helping people suffering from fatigue (ME/CFS). Julia is the founder of the Total Life Energy Plan, a five-star “must have for all household” self care healing system that helps people energize their bodies and overcome illnesses through everyday activities. Her research enabled her to recover from many illnesses and return to the vibrant health that had eluded her for 20 years. Visit Total Life Energy Plan booth #1207.

What does your bodily pain tell you?

Most people associate pain with physical suffering. Even English dictionaries define pain as physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. But there is much more than just the suffering. Our smart body tries to tell us many things.

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Why can’t modern research find a cure for chronic fatigue (ME/CFS)?

For the last decade, more and more funding has been allocated to research on many illnesses, such as ME/CFS. Many major research institutes are involved in ME/CFS research such as those at Harvard and Stanford.

As you already know, despite increased research efforts, chronic fatigue and CFS in Western medicine remains a complex condition with no identifiable cause or cure.

The research has been and will continue to be unsuccessful because researchers approach different aspects of CFS in isolation from one another. This reductionist approach looks at genetics, or at chronic fatigue as a possible autoimmune disease, or as something else, without a broader and deeper understanding of how the many parts and systems of the body interact with one another in different ways at different times in different environments. All this research examines CFS from one narrow perspective to the exclusion of other possible perspectives and approaches. They do not see a body or an interconnected system, only body parts on an examination table to be carefully classified, labeled, and then treated in isolation from one another.

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End Chronic Fatigue Now – 12-Day Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS) Transformation Challenge

At this time in history, there have never been more people wanting to be rid of their chronic fatigue.

They have suffered enough, and it is time for a change.

Ending Chronic Fatigue requires change, transformation, and the pursuit of our greatest potential in life. This is why I want to invite you to join my 12-day Health Transformation Challenge for Sufferers of Chronic Fatigue. In it, I will show you how to:

  • Make a sustainable change in your energy level and health.
  • Find the cause of fatigue and ill health.
  • Identify your individual energy needs.
  • Cultivate the kinds of energy needed and heal yourself through everyday activities.

Because I provide daily access to one-on-one program support, it is not possible to accommodate more than 10 people.

Any question, please book a call with me at this link to be sure that this challenge is right for you.

I look forward to your call and to helping you to energize your body and end your fatigue.

12-Day Chronic Fatigue (CFS) Transformation Challenge

Do you have chronic fatigue or even chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) that you KNOW that you can’t wait to live without?

Ending fatigue, pain, and other illnesses is essential to change your life. Are you ready to free yourself from fatigue?

I will launch Chronic Fatigue (CFS) Transformation Challenge on Monday, June 14, 2021 in which I will show you how to:

  • Make a sustainable change in your energy level and health.
  • Find the cause of fatigue and ill health.
  • Identify your individual energy needs.
  • Cultivate the kinds of energy needed and heal yourself through everyday activities.

Because I provide daily access to one-on-one program support, it is not possible to accommodate more than 10 people.

Please book a call with me at this link to find out whether this challenge is right for you, or directly sign up for the 12-day training here.

This 15-minute call is to ensure that you are a good fit – I don’t want to waste your time if you are not. If you are too fatigued to talk on the phone, ask your care-giver, family, or friend to help with the call or to contact me directly.
I look forward to your call and to helping you to energize your body and end your fatigue.

Julia “Health” Sun

Health Transformation Expert and Author 

P.S. Why not head over to my community of over 400 members who receive free teaching, training, and resources every day to heal their illnesses and transform their health and lives: Transform Health, Redefine Life

Solutions to Autoimmune Diseases

Do you have an autoimmune disorder such as celiac, Crohn’s, diabetes, lupus, fibromyalgia, or multiple sclerosis?

Have you been to doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, lost so much time and may still are without a diagnosis?

Have doctors stopped taking you seriously, or even suggested psychiatric diagnose to explain away your symptoms of pain, fatigue, and malaise?

You may have undergone testing for food sensitivities and done food eliminations. You may have been asked to eat more nutritious foods, keep hormones and blood sugar in balance, or improve your gut health.

You tried many related treatments and solutions. Some of them may ease your symptoms, even provide quick relief – for a while. But later, you find out that you are not any better off but both fatigued and sicker!

Even though many of your doctors, autoimmune specialists, nutritionists, or health coaches claim to know the root cause of your fatigue, want to give you just one more test, or a new miracle treatment, but none of them has a permanent solution to your health problems.

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5 Mistakes that WORSEN Your Fatigue

Fatigued, tired, having no more energy
Fatigued, Tired, Lack of Energy.

Many fatigued want to conquer their fatigue as well as many related sicknesses. They searched online and in many other places. They are guided to all directions and few have solutions to solve their fatigue and all related problems. Here are the five common mistakes they typically make that worsen their fatigue conditions:

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The Shocking Facts of American Health and Health Beliefs

Wrong Beliefs on Health

This June marks the 30th year of Tiananmen Square Massacre along with the 30th years of my life in the USA. At this special time, it brings back many memories, from the risk that I took to get a visa to come to the US from China, to the exciting moment when I landed in this most advanced country in the world, and then to the time that I realize that there are both pros and cons for each country that I have lived in. This special time of my life also makes me ponder.

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How to Overcome Chronic Fatigue

Eliminate Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)

In the previous posts, I discussed

  • Current situations with chronic fatigue (syndrome).
  • How you know if you have chronic fatigue.
  • The worsening conditions of chronic fatigue.
  • The causes of chronic fatigue.
  • If there is a cure for chronic fatigue.

In this post, I discuss how to overcome chronic fatigue.

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