How to Conquer Chronic Fatigue, Control Weight, and Heal Any Illnesses?

Are you tired all the time? Do you feel like all the energy has been sucked out of your life?

When our bodies do not produce enough or the right kinds of energy, we suffer from fatigue and loss of vitality, even though we may not have an identifiable illness in Western medicine. This loss of vitality keeps us from being all we can be and should be. Creating and managing our body’s energy is essential to long-term health. When our body or part of the body is seriously depleted of its energy, disease strikes; when our body can no longer create energy, we die. Continue reading “How to Conquer Chronic Fatigue, Control Weight, and Heal Any Illnesses?”

Five Seasons a Year for Better Health

The ancient Romans were among the first to carve up the year into quarters (four seasons), which has been widely adopted by Western countries*. But not every culture in the world divides a year into four seasons like that in modern Western countries. Different cultures have different ways of separating a year into seasons. A year may be divided into five seasons or more. Continue reading “Five Seasons a Year for Better Health”

Could drinking water in the morning be bad for you?

Many people think that drinking water first thing in the morning cleanses the digestive tract and is good for the body. Drinking water in the morning may damage the body if done under the incorrect circumstances.

Most Westerners drink cold or room temperature water.

Continue reading “Could drinking water in the morning be bad for you?”