We all know that the entire universe and everything in it, including the human body, is made of energy. How can we make great use of this vast amount of energy for exceptional health? Experience the powerful energy healing!
Energy Heals
Our body is a marvelous energy system with rhythmic and coordinating vibrations and movements. It needs life energy, the energy for life, to keep active and live well. All traditional medicines, except modern Western Medicine, cultivate this life energy for healing by utilizing the energy round us.
Think about the cellular network. People all over the world can talk on cellphones, which transfer a great number of signals throughout the air. Instead of transferring cellular kind of energy, healers transfer healing (life) energy through the air, both near and far on earth.
The Power of Energy Healing
Just like the powerful cellular network provides the opportunity for people all over the world to connect and communicate, healers can make a great use of energy for healing illnesses. As a matter of fact, exceptional healers can move the vast and powerful energy in the atmosphere to create great healing effects. They supercharge energy into the body, revive its vibration, movement, and circulation. For examples, energy healing can:
- Prolong and save lives, especially in unexpected emergencies such as car accidents, drowning, and medical maltreatments.
- Alleviate a great amount of pain and discomfort from others, even from dying people to make them pass peacefully.
- Avert side effects from blood transfusions and other treatments in hospitals.
- Find and erase the blockages in the body for good circulation, illness prevention and recovery. Freeing up the blockage can make energy and blood circulate well again, which will possibly eliminate many unnecessary medical treatments and suffering.
- Reduce high pressure from the body to prevent it from getting ill. The modern busy lifestyle and extremely competitive world creates great pressure for many people. Life pressure, as well as emotional stress, easily sticks and accumulates inside the body, preventing the free circulation of qi and blood, and leads to many illnesses. Energy healing helps to release this pressure.
Not All Healers Are the Same
Just like any profession, there are different kinds and abilities of energy healers:
- Some can transfer a great amount of energy, but others transfer a little.
- Some can transfer energy to anyone in the world, others can transfer through a media system such as cellphone, and still others do with their hands.
- Some can detect your energy and its deficiencies, but others cannot.
- Some have a deep understanding of the body’s energy system, different kinds of energy and their movements, but others lack the knowledge.
- Some utilize many methods and techniques in addition to their instincts for healing while others just use their instincts.
On the other side, some healing can be dangerous for the body! There are plentiful examples throughout the Chinese history, including the most recent one – Falong Gong, which causes mental and psychological problems and is banned in China. Group healing with new and experienced healers can also cause energy imbalances among body parts, resulting in health problems. Check out my post for the details on this: The Danger of Energy Healing and Meditations/
Selecting the Right Healer for Yourself
Energy heals with the right healer and healing methods!
Our body has a sophisticated system to heal itself. We need to know its deficiencies in energy and provide the right energy needed for healing. Therefore, select the healers who can detect and locate your energy deficiencies as well as transferring the energy in need. Under special circumstances, you need to select the ones for your own specific needs. For examples:
- If you are extremely lacking energy, fatigued, bedridden, or even dying, you may select a healer who can transfer a great amount of energy and/or have the experience of saving lives.
- If you already know exactly where you have problems such as a recent injury, you may just need a healer who is available to your schedule and who can easily transfer energy to the injured area.
- All our body parts are connected and work coordinately together. If you have had a problem in an organ or other body part for years, then the problem most likely already affects other parts of the body. Then you should select a healer who has a deep understanding of the energy system and can heal all related parts.
- If you have no knowledge on how to cultivate energy and health in your daily life, select a healer who can coach you on this.
Making Healing More Efficient!

To get the best result from energy healing:
- Believe that energy heals. If you doubt energy healing, your body is automatically shutting off from accepting the healing energy and you won’t get or get much benefit from it.
- Learn the cause of your health problems. Know which activities make you ill so to avoid the activities to prevent the same problem from happening again.
- Energize your body in every aspect of your life. All daily activities affect our health and healing. The powerful energy healing can charge you with plentiful energy, but if you waste your energy on energy draining activities, your body keeps losing its energy for healing. Then you cannot recover. Learn how to cultivate energy in every aspect of your life. This not only is necessary for recovering from ill health, but also is essential to living a vibrant, healthy, and long life.
Energy heals! Make use of the vast available energy sources for healing in your daily life and select the right healer for your health needs. Then a vibrant and illness-free life is possible for you, as it has been for others throughout human history.
Hope my healing experience shown in this post helps you to get more from energy healing. After I discovered my exceptional healing power while learning and trying energy healing on my family and friends, I started to use my power to heal others. There are a few examples of my healing stories:
- Saved a 79-years-old man who had heart, liver, and kidney failure, whose life was in jeopardy, and who could pass anytime as told by the doctor in the emergency room at Umass Medical Center in Worcester.
- Took a great amount of chest pain from a 70 years-old lung cancer sufferer so she passed peacefully at Brigham and Women Hospital in Boston. The cancer patient could be possibly saved if she believed in energy healing.
- Prevented many side effects from blood transfusions in hospitals.
- Took away high pressure in the head and chest areas of a mother who had been worried and cared for her completely handicapped and bedridden daughter for over a decade, as well as saving the daughter’s life.
- Detected the blockages that caused heart, lung, and/or kidney diseases.
Want to experience my energy, find out your hidden problems, improve your health, and prolong your life? Then book an energy healing session with me:
Also, read my books and book a health coaching session with me on self-healing. Potentially, it will greatly improve your health through your everyday life as well as enhancing the effectiveness of your energy healing and Traditional Chinese Medical doctor’s treatments.