3 Major Reasons Why Doctors Can’t Cure Your Illness

Doctors can't cure you

There are 3 major reasons why doctors can’t cure:

1. Medicines may not work for your illnesses so doctors can’t cure you.

Western medicine: As many of you already know that this modern medicine is created by a businessman in recent history and tries to use chemical drugs and harmful operations for treating illnesses. But the drugs are aliens to our body and too easy to poison our body, causing long term health problems. Operations and surgeries typically create scars that block good circulation, leading to more illnesses. This medicine and its doctors can’t cure most of the illnesses.

Traditional medicines: they are created by doctors and patients and have healed countless patients. But they are less effective nowadays than it did in history. For example, medicinal herbs were used to grow naturally in the wild where they absorbed much more natural energy and had much less pollution than the herbs grown on a farm nowadays. Medicinal herbs are not classified as food because they have strong effects on the body and/or easily poison our body without proper use. This is why you need to select a traditional doctor with decades of experience and/or secrete herbal formulas. Therefore, the typical inexperienced traditional doctors can’t cure you.

No matter what kind of medicine, they are famous for using these strong ingredients to stir up the body into taking actions for healing illnesses. If your body is strong enough to heal and recover from the treatments, you can get back to health. But if your body is not strong enough to resist and clean up the wastes and poisonous ingredients, you cannot be healed or can be in a worse condition than before. This is why more people die from medicines than illnesses. It was up to 90% of people die from traditional medicine in Chinese history and don’t mention the modern medicine. This is also why traditional Chinese doctors typically use acupuncture, cupping, massage, and many other treatments that work on the outside the body and use herbal formula as the last resort of healing after all other methods could not heal.

2. Diversity in doctors means some doctors can’t cure you.

There is big diversity in doctors and their abilities in health and healing: famous ones have healed many patients and can keep themselves healthy and active well into their twilight years. On the other side, some doctors can’t even keep themselves healthy and died from diseases early in life. From the statistics in many Asian countries, Western doctors live shorter while traditional medicine doctors live longer than the general populations. It was shocking to hear that doctors died every year during the 4 years I worked for a hospital group in Boston.

3. You don’t know how or don’t have the resources to care for your body.

This is the most important one because about 90% of illnesses are related to and caused by our daily activities. Many self-health and self-healing methods have existed throughout human history but get lost because people are much more effected by commercials and get into the habit of visiting doctors and taking medications for their health problems. Most importantly, the modern food grown with chemicals and chemical fertilizers “poisons” our body every day. Don’t mention the commercially processed food or other products you put inside or onto your body. The body needs to detox itself with much more effort than it did in human history. You may not realize that your body overwork every day and this wastes a great amount of energy and resources in life, making the body have much less of these left to care for itself and for healing when illnesses strike. Therefore, the body doesn’t have the strength to fight with illnesses as well as acting to drugs and medications like it used to.

If you have been and keep eating commercial foods grown or filled with chemicals or genetic modified and then get sick, it’s very likely medicines just care for your symptoms and won’t help you recover completely. Then there’s one more choice for healing your illnesses: Practicing Life Energy Exercise. It strengthens your body from inside out without wasting your precious resources like many other exercises do.

Check out my previous posts for more info on the exercise:

The Poorest Centenarian

The Life Energy Exercise for Healing Illnesses

I’m in the process of developing a training program to pass on this exceptional exercise that has been kept a secret for over 1k years, with many copycats, healed many “incurable” illnesses, and saved lives.

Which kind of class do you prefer?

  1. E-learning with online video course
  2. Instructor-led group training at a facility
  3. Private one-on-one coaching

Comment below with 1, 2, and/or 3. it would be greatly appreciated so I can develop the training to your needs and preferences! Thank you very much in advance! As always, hope my post helps.

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