A variety of “detoxification” diets, regimens, and therapies have been suggested as ways to remove toxins from the body, lose weight, or promote health. I discussed half a dozen of them in the previous posts and explained why those modern detox methods do not work, harm the body in different ways, and create health problems. Then, what is the most effective or the best way of detox?
Continue reading “The Best Way to Detox Your Body”Category: Detoxification
Detox and Cleanse the Body
Can Juicing Be Bad for You?
Without much thinking, many followers of modern dietary and health programs start drinking raw fruit and vegetable juice to detoxify their body and/or beautify her face. It seems that they squeeze all kinds of raw fruits and vegetables. Many of them have a commercial juicer at home. But this kinds of juicing can be bad for you!
Continue reading “Can Juicing Be Bad for You?”The Downsides of Fasting
Fasting is an eating pattern during which you refrain from consuming any sustenance for an extended period of time. A fast usually lasts from 12 to 40 hours, but some types continue for days at a time. In some cases, water, coffee, and other calorie-free beverages are allowed during the fast, but no solid foods or calorie-containing drinks are permitted. You may eat a little very restricted type of vegetarian food or herbs for prolonged fasting. If you consider fasting, you get to know the downsides of fasting.
Continue reading “The Downsides of Fasting”Intoxication from Water Detox
Many health experts nowadays advise people to drink more water, such as eight 8-ounce glasses or even one gallon of water every day to detoxify the body with water constantly. Some people keep a bottle of water in their hand for drinking all the time or have a heavy drinking schedule such as the one shown here in the table.
Continue reading “Intoxication from Water Detox”Your Gut Health Diets and Supplements Can Be Unhealthy
You must have heard about gut health and detoxification.
Many people think that there are too many toxins in their body, especially in their intestines. As a result, they constantly use probiotics, various laxatives or teas to cleanse their gut, remove waste and toxins from your colon, trying to improve their health and wellness as well as controlling weight. The laxatives come as pills, capsules, liquids, foods, gums, suppositories, and enemas. The teas include senna, peach blossom, and even rhubarb. But they don’t realize that constantly using this kind of detox can lead to a condition called “Qi Sinking” or “Energy Collapsing” in TCM.
Continue reading “Your Gut Health Diets and Supplements Can Be Unhealthy”Detoxification by Sweating Can Be Unsafe!
Sauna, steam room, and hot yoga are all over the place in the USA and many other countries. Many people think that sweating is the best way to detoxify alcohol, liver, skin, and heavy metal in the body. Sweating can bring out impurity and toxins or sweat itself can be considered toxins. But they do not realize that detoxification by sweating can be unsafe!

What Are Detoxes and Cleanses?
“Detoxification” has been a hot topic now, recommended by many nutritionists, health coaches, and other health professionals. Many people can’t resist the sugarcoated topic, so they think that detoxification will enhance beauty, detoxification is health, and detoxification is longevity. But they didn’t realize that their health is ruined by this word – detoxification.

What are detoxes and cleanses?
Some of them may not even know what toxic is and what toxic got detoxified, they meticulously pursued detoxification and just detox for the purpose of detoxification.
Possible tragic side effects include: the more they detoxify, the more poison their bodies accumulate, the worse their health becomes.
Before we lead to the discussion of the most effective way to cleanse our body, we first need to know what detoxification is and why those modern detox methods do not work. Therefore, I will cover the concept and different detoxification methods and the health problems they create in about half a dozen posts before introducing the most effective ways to cleanse our body.
Continue reading “What Are Detoxes and Cleanses?”