The Powerful Healing of Qigong: A Recent Life-Saving Story

Here is the most recent story on the powerful healing of qigong:

A few months ago, on February 6, 2024, Ning was involved in a car accident. While walking on the street, she was struck by a car, resulting in injuries to her head and hip. At the age of late 60s, Ning already had multiple health issues, including high blood pressure, which was exacerbated by the accident. Despite medication and healing remedies, her blood pressure kept soaring back to over 200. By the end of March, the combination of head trauma and dizziness left her bedridden, with little hope of recovery. Prepared for the worst, she even began making arrangements for her will.

It was at this critical juncture that Julia Sun presented Ning with powerful healing of qigong. Remarkably, after just a few qigong healing sessions, Ning began to regain her strength. She could stand, walk, and even enjoy the spring sunshine once again.

This story serves as a powerful reminder never to give up, even in the face of emotional and physical trauma, such as cancer or severe injuries. Healing techniques, methods, and tools have been developed, approved, and implemented throughout human existence. There is a remedy for every illness and sickness. It just needs you to discover and discover the right one for you and your unique condition. There is always hope for a better tomorrow.

This is just the latest in a series of life-saving stories centered around qigong healing. Each post delves into the miraculous recoveries and transformative experiences of individuals who have embraced this ancient practice.

Let Julia Sun sense your problem area and help you to erase the problem before it manifests into an illness and disease or takes your life.

Exceptional Healing Abilities from A Supernatural Being

Many people wonder about my exceptional healing abilities, often likening them to those of a supernatural being. I hope this post sheds light on the explanation.

My Family Background

Generations of my family resided in the same village in Shandong province, China. We owned houses, farmland, and a family cemetery. The three-year Great Chinese Starvation from 1959 to 1961 brought devastation, claiming countless lives due to various factors:

  • A series of natural disasters, including two years of drought and a year of locust plague, devastated our crops.
  • Political tensions led to the diversion of stored food to repay debts owed to Russia.
  • Government initiatives promoting industrialization drove many farmers to abandon agriculture for urban opportunities.

Our farm suffered immensely, with crops decimated by droughts, diseases, and locusts. With winter approaching and food reserves depleted, my family made the difficult decision to relocate to Tianjin, where my grandmother had resettled. However, the move only prolonged our suffering, subjecting us to four years of starvation instead of the anticipated three.

My Background

Amidst the hardships, I was born—the youngest of five siblings. Fragile and undersized, a consequence of the Great Starvation, I cried incessantly, adding to my family’s burden. Despite her recent childbirth, my mother resumed farming duties just eight weeks after my birth, entrusting my care to a local daycare facility. Unfortunately, my time at the daycare was far from nurturing. The caregiver’s impatience and cruelty left me gasping for air, my life hanging in the balance. Only through the intervention of a compassionate bystander mother, who alerted my mother to the perilous situation, was I rescued from certain death. This transformative experience shaped my trajectory:

  • My grandmother recognized my potential for greatness as she observed my intelligent plays and interactions with other children.
  • Throughout elementary and secondary schools, teachers lauded my exceptional abilities.
  • I secured admission to the top high school in the city and later attended the leading telecommunications college in China.
  • My career path spanned academia, technology, finance, entrepreneurship, and ultimately led me to supernatural healing.

Exceptional Healing Abilities

My journey as a healer is rooted in a profound connection to energy—a force often overlooked in our modern world. Observing nature’s cues, such as rabbits eating fearlessly in my presence, I realized our innate ability to sense energy. One day, a rabbit munched and enjoyed the grass in my backyard but suddenly stopped eating, stayed completely still with no movement, holding its breath. Then it ran as fast as it could! A cat ran right after it, coming from the opposite direction. Even though neither one is in their visible position, the rabbit can sense the cat was coming and the cat sensed the rabbit there. Our human body can do the same – sense energy and its vibration. Our bodies can sense and absorb energy all the time for survival, even though we don’t use the ability much in the modern world.

Fish are surrounded by water and relying on water to survive but they don’t see water. Humans are surrounded by energy and relying on energy to survive but we don’t see the energy.

Just as fish navigate their underwater realm effortlessly, attuned to subtle currents, I’ve honed my capacity to perceive and manipulate energy for healing purposes. My gift of exceptional healing abilities extends beyond physical boundaries, enabling me to remotely access and empathize with others’ experiences, and even save lives. And now, I am saving the daughter from dying with another mother. This makes me think “two mothers save a daughter again, is it coincidence, or not?!” My near-death experience helps me to gain remote access and feelings of others. It must be the same feeling from the time I was waiting for the lady finding my mom and sensing my mom running back to save me.

In a world consumed by technological advancements, many have lost touch with this intrinsic power. Yet, energy permeates every aspect of our existence, sustaining us in ways we often overlook. Through my practice, which harnesses my exceptional healing abilities, I aim to reconnect individuals with this vital life force, guiding them toward holistic healing and well-being.

Life Energy Heals

Traditional medicines harness energy for healing, aligning with our bodies’ energetic composition. Yet, in our pursuit of health, we often overlook the importance of preserving and cultivating our vital life energy. Unlike conventional approaches that deplete our resources, Total Life Energy prioritizes sustaining and nurturing our innate energy for long-term health and vitality.


As you explore our healing system, Total Life Energy, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for its efficacy and significance. My dedication to helping others is rooted in both my exceptional healing abilities and my understanding of the interconnectedness of life and the transformative power of energy. In a world filled with uncertainty, let us embrace the wisdom of nature and tap into the boundless potential of energy for healing and renewal. Together, we can embark on a journey toward wholeness, guided by compassion, resilience, and the timeless wisdom of the ages.

My Energy Healing Saves Lives

In our last post, I mentioned how I saved Rose from dying. Here is another example of how my energy healing saves lives: the case of a 79-years-old man who was dying in the emergency room.

While people are celebrating special days with their loved ones, unexpected events can occur. On the morning of Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2017, 79-Years-Old Al experienced a serious fall with bruises, significant internal bleeding, and blood loss in his kitchen at home. He was unable to get up from the fall and was rushed to the emergency room via a 911 ambulance.

Doctors conducted numerous medical tests and discovered that he had blood clots in his arteries. They prescribed blood-thinning medication, which initially cleared his blood but led to more severe complications. The thinned blood could not effectively stem his internal bleeding and, in fact, exacerbated it. He continued to lose blood from the bruises and injury. Once this was identified, doctors needed to continuously pump blood into his body, far more than the total blood volume of a normal body, due to the ongoing bleeding.

As a result of the blood loss and subsequent transfusions, Al’s body deteriorated rapidly. He lost the strength to speak, suffered heart attack, liver and kidney failures, and plummeting blood pressures, dropping to 90. Medical professionals struggled to maintain his blood pressure at 100 using medication, while also cautioning his family that he could pass away at any moment.

Observing the declining blood pressure, I knew there was no time to waste, and I immediately initiated a healing session.

After just five minutes, Al’s blood pressure began to rise. By the time the half-hour session concluded, his blood pressure had increased to 140 before stabilizing at 130. Over the course of more than a week of daily energy healing sessions, Al’s condition gradually stabilized.

Lydia, a Russian lady and one of Al’s friends, was a lifelong healer. She visited Al in the hospital upon learning of his illness and sat beside me during one of the healing sessions. Subsequently, she informed her family and friends that my intervention had saved Al’s life.

Now, seven years later, Al is 86 years old, soon to be 87 in a few months.

Energy healing works! With my profound ability to transfer energy, I can assist you and your loved ones as needed. Feel free to reach out to me for any health concerns, just as Al, Rose, and many others have done. If I can save a 79 years old man, almost surely I can save younger people who are not supposed to die at their age! Contact us directly and make an appointment if your loved one needs help right away!

You may wonder, like others, how and why my energy healing saves lives when medical professionals and other healers cannot. My subsequent post will delve into detail, particularly focusing on my early life experiences, including near-death encounters, that have shaped me into a super human and healer capable of identifying problem areas in the body and supercharge the energy needed for healing. Stay toned!

The Powerful Energy Healing

We all know that the entire universe and everything in it, including the human body, is made of energy. How can we make great use of this vast amount of energy for exceptional health? Experience the powerful energy healing!

Energy Heals

Our body is a marvelous energy system with rhythmic and coordinating vibrations and movements. It needs life energy, the energy for life, to keep active and live well. All traditional medicines, except modern Western Medicine, cultivate this life energy for healing by utilizing the energy round us.

Think about the cellular network. People all over the world can talk on cellphones, which transfer a great number of signals throughout the air. Instead of transferring cellular kind of energy, healers transfer healing (life) energy through the air, both near and far on earth. 

The Power of Energy Healing

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Knee Pain: special attention needed!

Current Situations with Knee Pain

Do you have knee pain? If you do, you are not alone. Knee pain is one of the most common complaints of Americans of all ages. In the United States, knee pain affects approximately 25% of adults, and its prevalence has increased almost 65% over the past 20 years, accounting for nearly 4 million primary care visits annually*. In China, about 120 million Chinese suffer from knee pain.

Different knee symptoms typically appear after we turn 40 years old. But now more and more young people suffer from it because of sport and physical injuries as well as degenerating humans and their non optimal health.

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Energy Healing for Our Marines

I have done energy healing for hundreds of people from healthy people to severely ill and dying patients, from engineers to nurses, from babies to the elderly, from “trouble makers” to police officers, from civilians to military personnel, from my office to people’s homes, from intensive care unit to emergency rooms, from trade shows to rehab centers. 

In this post, I’d like to share my energy healing experiences for our marines as we celebrate 246 years of the Marine Corp and my son Peter finishing up his 6-year marine reserve service.

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The Danger of Energy Healing and Meditations

Many people have seen or heard of energy healing, qigong, mindful meditations and how powerful they are to heal illnesses. More and more people in the U.S.A. practice or receive energy healing and there are more energy masters than ever. But unfortunately, many don’t realize that if these exercises are not practiced right, serious and dangerous effects can happen. After hearing and seeing people suffering from the negative side effects of energy healing on social media and in person, I feel that I’m obligated to write a post to inform people of the potential illness effects.

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Ending chronic fatigue is much easier than you think if…

We all hear from our doctors that there is no effective way to cure chronic fatigue, especially CFS. Many people, including many doctors, believe this to be true, and seek simple relief from fatigue symptoms. They try many methods provided by doctors or that they find online, but they are still fatigued. Some people thought they had cured their fatigue, only to find out that they only had been masking fatigue symptoms, and even worse, ended up developing other health problems such as arthritis and/or heart disease.

If you change your perceptions and beliefs about modern science and contemporary medicine and open your mind to traditional medicine, you will find a cure!

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Why Self-Healing Is More Effective

As many of you know, I was a seriously ill patient who had no medical knowledge a decade ago. I have figured out the cure for all my illnesses. At the same time of searching for the cure, I found out that it is much more efficient and effective to heal illnesses through everyday activities.

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The Power of My Energy Healing

How powerful is energy and energy healing? Everything in the world is made of energy including the human body, and nothing else but energy heals our illnesses.

I have not only healed all my own illnesses using the energies in food, from exercise, and surrounding us, but also have healed many others. Here are just a few of my energy healing experiences of transforming energy to my clients, either in person or remotely (for privacy reasons, client names have been changed):

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