Should we use marijuana as medicine or for recreation? What is the effect of marijuana on our body? What is the truth about the dangers of marijuana?
Tag: Julia Sun
Can You Cure Your Illness Even When Doctors Simply Can’t ?
I often hear people say:
“If doctors cannot even cure the disease, I cannot do anything about it.”
“If I could do it myself, what are the doctors for?!”
“The World Health Organization believes the disease is incurable. We can do nothing but seeking emotional support to live with the disease.”
Money Cannot Buy Your Health!

Many people believe that wealth can buy health. But the following real-life stories suggest otherwise:
Continue reading “Money Cannot Buy Your Health!”7 Ways to Care for Your Kidneys

- Eat foods that nourish the Kidneys. for almost everybody, both men and women, Chinese yams are the best food for the Kidneys. They nourish the Kidneys, as well as help with lower back pain. Another food good for the Kidneys is chestnut. If you have Kidney problems, do not have raw, cold, very spicy, oily foods or drinks, such as cucumbers, watermelons, persimmons, ice water, spicy chili, and deep-fried foods.
The People Eating Out Every Day Vs. the Homeless

Are you still eating out at fast food or other restaurants every day or even every meal?
Too many articles to read now regarding poisonous chemicals or other non-food items served at these popular restaurants: Continue reading “The People Eating Out Every Day Vs. the Homeless”
Five Seasons a Year for Better Health
The ancient Romans were among the first to carve up the year into quarters (four seasons), which has been widely adopted by Western countries*. But not every culture in the world divides a year into four seasons like that in modern Western countries. Different cultures have different ways of separating a year into seasons. A year may be divided into five seasons or more. Continue reading “Five Seasons a Year for Better Health”
10 Ways to Care for Your Menopause
Menopause is the time in women’s lives when menstrual periods stop permanently and they are no longer able to bear children. Menopause occurs 12 months after the last menstrual period and typically between 49 and 52 years of age. Menopause occurring before 45 years old usually indicates there is a health issue(s), diagnosable or un-diagnosable by Western medicine. Normal periods may reoccur after health problems are cured before the age of 48. Continue reading “10 Ways to Care for Your Menopause”
10 Mistakes Keeping You from Living a Long, Healthy Life
- Waiting until your golden years to start taking care of yourself.
Many people let themselves become overwhelmed by daily activities and never learn how to properly take care of their body. Taking good care of the body should begin when we are infants, or better yet before our mothers even get pregnant. When a couple is well prepared and their bodies are well nourished before and during pregnancy, their newborn infant will be healthy and strong. The earlier we start taking care of our bodies, the less our bodies become ill, the less life energy our bodies waste fighting illnesses, and the longer our bodies live. Continue reading “10 Mistakes Keeping You from Living a Long, Healthy Life”
Many Illnesses Actually Protect the Body

Many types of cancers and chronic illnesses, such as liver cancer, lung cancer, tumors, diabetes, and strokes, are collectively classified as manifestations of genetic abnormalities by Western medicine.
Actually, an illness is the inevitable result of abusing or misusing the body. An illness is one of the body’s indicators that a problem exists and implies something in our routine must be changed in order to prevent deteriorating of the illness and to begin the healing process.
Continue reading “Many Illnesses Actually Protect the Body”The Three Kinds of Body Waste that Can Make You Very Ill.
The human body generates waste from its normal routine functions, such as breathing in air and digesting food.
Just as most matter in nature exists in three states, body waste can be classified into three different types: solid, liquid, and gas. For example, gallstones and stools are solid waste, mucus and urine are liquid waste, and air from exhaling and a bloated stomach are gaseous waste.
The lungs, liver, kidneys, and other organs naturally detoxify the body. But if any waste remains inside the body, discomfort and illness may occur. Solid and liquid waste are easier to detect with modern medical equipment, but the gaseous waste trapped inside the body is not. Continue reading “The Three Kinds of Body Waste that Can Make You Very Ill.”