Why are you so ill?

This is sad a few weeks for me:

  • The husband of a close friend passed away.
  • The husband of a lady in our healing group passed away. 

Both died at a young age: 61 and 58 respectively. The first one died of cancer while the other from heart attack.

After numerous accounts of people near me passing away or suddenly falling ill, I feel that I’m obligated to write a post to warn people to care for their health now and in the right way to prevent this from happening to them.

The people from western countries used to have the reputation of strong and healthy bodies in the world. But now things are totally changed: the majority of them, especially those from the US and UK, are overweight, fatigued, ill, or even bedridden. What’s going on? It’s much more than just about the diet, exercise, and mental health.  They:

1. Learned the wrong ways to care for their health. Most of the stuff we learned about health is NOT healthy. These “healthy” ideas and tips could be from doctors, health coaches, teachers, parents as well as from online. The second person I mentioned previously, died of heart attack was a very active person who really cared for his health. He played pinpong, jogged, and even tried to run a marathon. But he passed unexpectedly from a heart attack after a hiking trip. These active exercises DO NOT help with your health but put too much stress on the body and harm the heart! Unfortunately, many people get into this trap. A young lady on Facebook who runs every day has severe illness symptoms with her heart, but her doctors couldn’t diagnose any heart problems with their medical equipment. With no diagnosable illnesses, she thought she is healthy. But I am pretty sure that she is a good candidate of heart attack if she doesn’t listen to me and continues to keep running every day.

2. Don’t have the access to the health info that works. Our media, as well as our mind, are controlled by big pharmaceutical companies. Many traditional methods of healing and health are all disappeared from the media and our lives. Cupping, herbs, and many other traditional ways of healing were all part of American medical history until the last century. But not many people know or use them anymore.

3. Are filled up with the concepts imposed on them by modern science and medicine. When they have symptoms, they go directly to doctors. Then doctors follow the diagnose and procedures they learned from medical schools, while the medical schools, including both eastern and western medicine schools in the America, are influenced by pharmaceutical companies, directly or indirectly. They cannot cure illnesses but only mask symptoms. Some people have realized that Western medicine doesn’t work and are seeking help from traditional medicines. But because their minds are filled with the concepts of modern western medicine and modern medical research, they are still stuck in the wrong and misleading approach for their health. It’s extremely hard, if not impossible, for them to adapt to a new way of thinking on health. They need a great amount of consciousness and effort to forgo the old ways of thinking and doing and to reprogram their brain. The person I mentioned early who died of cancer should have survived. I offered him the chance to heal many times, but all got rejected. He accepted poisonous medications and harmful chemotherapies for his treatments, even after they failed l him again and again. But at the same time, a woman in her 70s is out of the hospital after lying in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) bed for about a month and “sleeping” for two days right before accepting my healing sessions for her.

– How much do you open your door to new opportunities when you are totally stuck in your ill health and adverse situation?
– Your beliefs determine your destination! What are your limited beliefs that stop you from adopting traditional healing/medicine?
– Most traditional medicines promote self-healing and self-care. Are you going to take the responsibility to learn and care for your health in your daily activities instead of relying on others for your health?

Hope this post helps many of you.

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