Western Medicine and media make you think your weight can cause your knee problems because the extra weight puts too much pressure on your knees. This may sound reasonable but is just another simple minded and straight forward thinking on health problems. Both overweight and knee pain/swelling are just the symptoms of underlying health problems and may NOT always be the direct and original causes. If you have both overweight and knee symptoms, you need to figure out what causes these symptoms.
You must have heard about gut health and detoxification.
Many people think that there are too many toxins in their body, especially in their intestines. As a result, they constantly use probiotics, various laxatives or teas to cleanse their gut, remove waste and toxins from your colon, trying to improve their health and wellness as well as controlling weight. The laxatives come as pills, capsules, liquids, foods, gums, suppositories, and enemas. The teas include senna, peach blossom, and even rhubarb. But they don’t realize that constantly using this kind of detox can lead to a condition called “Qi Sinking” or “Energy Collapsing” in TCM.
Many people want to accomplish their goals, make more progress, and improve their life at the start of a new year! They make new year resolutions, and one of the most popular ones is getting into better shape and health, they may decide:
Lose, gain, or maintain weight.
Adopt a new workout plan.
Meal prep weekly.
Amp up cooking skills.
Be more productive.
Wake up early.
Every January, you see more people:
Exercise in the gym, on the street, or on a ski trail.
On a diet and eat only foods that are deemed to be healthy and helpful with weight and other health problems.
But they don’t realize that they may start them at the worst time of the year!
The husband of a lady in our healing group passed away.
Both died at a young age: 61 and 58 respectively. The first one died of cancer while the other from heart attack.
After numerous accounts of people near me passing away or suddenly falling ill, I feel that I’m obligated to write a post to warn people to care for their health now and in the right way to prevent this from happening to them.
The people from western countries used to have the reputation of strong and healthy bodies in the world. But now things are totally changed: the majority of them, especially those from the US and UK, are overweight, fatigued, ill, or even bedridden. What’s going on? It’s much more than just about the diet, exercise, and mental health. They:
Many Westerners have health issues that medicines and treatments cannot effectively treat. They feel much better after changing to a vegetarian or an almost vegetarian diet because many of their symptoms go away. Then they think that the vegetarian diet works, or even works better than any of their medical treatments.
A vegetarian diet may “work” for some of us but not for all of us. Many healthy people who become vegetarians eventually begin to have health problems, like low energy and headaches. Because of this, they add meat to their diet and the symptoms go away.
Why does a vegetarian diet “work” for some but not for others?
If you look at the numbers, Americans spend over $60 billion annually to try to lose pounds. It is great for the people selling weight loss products. The problem is this: “Is this money making us slimmer and healthier?” The answer is no.
As all of you know, right now, weight management is more important than ever as three-quarters of all Americans have weight problems. Being overweight is the single largest health problem in the USA, and it is the most obese nation on earth. Much of this epidemic is due to popular diets in the US that guarantee weight loss and permanent solutions. They simply do not work but make the problem worse.
Weight management is more important than ever. Three-quarters of all Americans have weight problems. Much of this epidemic is due to popular diets in the US that guarantee weight loss and permanent solutions. These diets simply do not work but make the problem worse.
Are you tired all the time? Do you feel like all the energy has been sucked out of your life?
When our bodies do not produce enough or the right kinds of energy, we suffer from fatigue and loss of vitality, even though we may not have an identifiable illness in Western medicine. This loss of vitality keeps us from being all we can be and should be. Creating and managing our body’s energy is essential to long-term health. When our body or part of the body is seriously depleted of its energy, disease strikes; when our body can no longer create energy, we die. Continue reading “How to Conquer Chronic Fatigue, Control Weight, and Heal Any Illnesses?”
“An insightful and informative guide for all readers who are looking to create and maintain their body’s energy for long-term health.”
“Help readers to increase and maintain vitality, overcome chronic illnesses such as fatigue, high blood pressure, or diabetes, control weight gain, and improve sexual vitality.”
“Aid us in understanding how the world around us works, so that we can understand our bodies and live well in and with nature and among others.”
Framingham, MA – Total Life Energy Plan, provider of a personal health and wellness program, announced today that their first eBook, The Total Life Energy Plan, written by Julia H. Sun, is now available on Amazon.com.
Total Life Energy Plan was created and developed over the past 7 years. It is a personal wellness program like no other. “When this exciting and groundbreaking plan goes public, I believe it will completely take public health to an entirely new level in human history,” said Julia H. Sun, the owner and creator of the plan, “Life energy is the key to health. It prevents and cures diseases. Longevity is consistent care of life energy.” Total Life Energy Plan is designed to manage our precious but limited life energy. The plan enables us to obtain maximum energy from our surroundings and to make the best use of our life energy in daily activities.