Julia on Health

Detoxification by Sweating Can Be Unsafe!

Sauna, steam room, and hot yoga are all over the place in the USA and many other countries. Many people think that sweating is the best way to detoxify alcohol, liver, skin, and heavy metal in the body. Sweating can bring out impurity and toxins or sweat itself can be considered toxins. But they do not realize that detoxification by sweating can be unsafe!

Too sweat
I’m too sweaty as well as sweetie!
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What Are Detoxes and Cleanses?

“Detoxification” has been a hot topic now, recommended by many nutritionists, health coaches, and other health professionals. Many people can’t resist the sugarcoated topic, so they think that detoxification will enhance beauty, detoxification is health, and detoxification is longevity. But they didn’t realize that their health is ruined by this word – detoxification.

What are detoxes and cleanses

What are detoxes and cleanses?

Some of them may not even know what toxic is and what toxic got detoxified, they meticulously pursued detoxification and just detox for the purpose of detoxification.

Possible tragic side effects include: the more they detoxify, the more poison their bodies accumulate, the worse their health becomes.

Before we lead to the discussion of the most effective way to cleanse our body, we first need to know what detoxification is and why those modern detox methods do not work. Therefore, I will cover the concept and different detoxification methods and the health problems they create in about half a dozen posts before introducing the most effective ways to cleanse our body.

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Your new year’s resolution may harm your body and health

Many people want to accomplish their goals, make more progress, and improve their life at the start of a new year! They make new year resolutions, and one of the most popular ones is getting into better shape and health, they may decide:

  • Lose, gain, or maintain weight. 
  • Adopt a new workout plan.
  • Meal prep weekly.
  • Amp up cooking skills.
  • Be more productive.
  • Wake up early. 

Every January, you see more people:

  • Exercise in the gym, on the street, or on a ski trail.  
  • On a diet and eat only foods that are deemed to be healthy and helpful with weight and other health problems. 

But they don’t realize that they may start them at the worst time of the year!

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Energy Healing for Our Marines

I have done energy healing for hundreds of people from healthy people to severely ill and dying patients, from engineers to nurses, from babies to the elderly, from “trouble makers” to police officers, from civilians to military personnel, from my office to people’s homes, from intensive care unit to emergency rooms, from trade shows to rehab centers. 

In this post, I’d like to share my energy healing experiences for our marines as we celebrate 246 years of the Marine Corp and my son Peter finishing up his 6-year marine reserve service.

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Visit Us at Natural Living Expo

Booth 1207


Our Workshop:

Enjoy A Vibrant Life Until The Last Moment

Sunday, November 14, 2021 3:30 pm, Salon E

Learn how to eliminate Chronic Fatigue (ME/CFS), pain, and many other health problems naturally in your daily activities without any commercial products. Explore how famous centenarians in history enjoyed a vibrant and illness-free life until their last moment. Discover how common solutions for fatigue may have failed you, and damaged your body leading to long-term exhaustion and illnesses. Learn how to eliminate the risk of damage.

Julia Sun, an energy (qigong) master, researcher, author and health coach specializes in helping people suffering from fatigue (ME/CFS). Julia is the founder of the Total Life Energy Plan, a five-star “must have for all household” self care healing system that helps people energize their bodies and overcome illnesses through everyday activities. Her research enabled her to recover from many illnesses and return to the vibrant health that had eluded her for 20 years. Visit Total Life Energy Plan booth #1207.

The Danger of Energy Healing and Meditations

Many people have seen or heard of energy healing, qigong, mindful meditations and how powerful they are to heal illnesses. More and more people in the U.S.A. practice or receive energy healing and there are more energy masters than ever. But unfortunately, many don’t realize that if these exercises are not practiced right, serious and dangerous effects can happen. After hearing and seeing people suffering from the negative side effects of energy healing on social media and in person, I feel that I’m obligated to write a post to inform people of the potential illness effects.

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What does your bodily pain tell you?

Most people associate pain with physical suffering. Even English dictionaries define pain as physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. But there is much more than just the suffering. Our smart body tries to tell us many things.

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Why are you so ill?

This is sad a few weeks for me:

  • The husband of a close friend passed away.
  • The husband of a lady in our healing group passed away. 

Both died at a young age: 61 and 58 respectively. The first one died of cancer while the other from heart attack.

After numerous accounts of people near me passing away or suddenly falling ill, I feel that I’m obligated to write a post to warn people to care for their health now and in the right way to prevent this from happening to them.

The people from western countries used to have the reputation of strong and healthy bodies in the world. But now things are totally changed: the majority of them, especially those from the US and UK, are overweight, fatigued, ill, or even bedridden. What’s going on? It’s much more than just about the diet, exercise, and mental health.  They:

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Why Have You Become a COVID-19 “Long Hauler”?

Covid-19 has affected all our lives, directly and indirectly. Almost, if not, all of us were infected by this virus. But different people have different reactions to the virus and infection:

  • Some people have obvious symptoms, while most people have no or minor symptoms.
  • For the people who have obvious symptoms, most of them have totally recovered and got back to normal health and normal life. It took them days or even months to recover. But others could not recover and have developed lingering symptoms or even many other illnesses such as chronic fatigue (ME/CFS), bodily pain (FM), digestive disorders, autoimmune disorder, or even bedridden. They become the so-called “long haulers”.

Why are all the differences and why do you keep suffering since infection? Many long haulers are puzzled by what happened to their bodies with these lingering symptoms. In this post, I am going to answer this question and solve this confounding mystery, so you know how to care for yourself or your loved ones to stop the suffering.

There are three major reasons why you become a long hauler:

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The only self-directed healing system designed for chronic fatigue and ME/CFS

After I healed my own illnesses including chronic fatigue, I developed a self-care and self-directed healing system for chronic fatigue as well as a complete wellness system.

If we want to live well in Nature, we first need to understand how Nature works. Our system is based on how the universe works and applies the basic principles of Nature and universal energy to our food, diet, exercise, and our body. 

My system is also based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM has been developed over thousands of years and is still going strong, especially with an effective cure rate for Covid-19 infection of over 90%, and of a 100% cure rate from a few famous TCM doctors in China. TCM also has a history of promoting self-care and self healing through food, exercise, habits, mindset, and lifestyle changes. 

Join me on my 12-day “Health Transformation Challenge in which I will share with you my complete system for ending chronic fatigue that you can implement in your everyday activities that will have you active, healthy, and enjoying life with your children, family, and friends.

Any questions, book a call with me at this link to be sure this challenge is right for you.

I look forward to your call and to helping you to energize your body and end your fatigue.

Julia “Health” Sun

P.S. Why not head over to my community of over 400 members who receive free teaching, training, and resources every day to heal their illnesses and transform their health and lives: Transform Health, Redefine Life